First things first: We are not your usual founding team – we didn’t meet at a fancy founders conference, via our jobs or at university - we’ve actually known each other all our lives. We are cousins and best friends with a common passion for:
• Hours-long deep talks & pep talks
• Always finding enough time for self-care
• Checking out the latest wellbeing trends
• Traveling and discovering inspiring places
We love spending several weeks per year in California, where we fell in love with those typical Californian feel-good vibes. We quickly discovered, that the awareness and accessibility for all things health, self-care, nutrition, wellbeing and the corresponding lifestyle is much more advanced than in Germany and it became our dream to share our discoveries and experiences with others.
Dealing with our own health struggles over the past few years, we furthermore realized, that most people – including ourselves for so many years – feel really clueless and left alone when it comes to approaching health concerns. Many of us believe that not feeling well, not sleeping well, having a constant lack of energy, feeling stuck in terms of finding & holding a healthy weight, having a poor digestion, suffering from skin issues is somehow normal. In addition, our society still cultivates the mindset that our health does not concern us. When something goes wrong and we become sick, we go to the doctor and we hope to be fixed. We feel very strongly that there needs to be a shift in this belief system and we want to help you to create the necessary changes, so you can feel happy and healthy every day.
The idea to start THE YOULISTIQUE is a result of our own journeys: the experience of our personal health struggles, our passion for all things wellbeing and our very strong belief that everyone can take control of their own health. We are here to empower you to start this wonderful journey to living a sustainable happy and healthy life.

Hi, I´m Sarah!
I co-founded THE YOULISTIQUE together with Julia and I am a certified integrative nutrition health coach. People and their stories are my passion and I believe very strongly that we can take control of our health and happiness to create the change we want in our lives.
I have a business background and worked as a PR manager for a large international luxury goods group for over ten years in London, Geneva and Munich. This line of work involved lots of travelling and socializing. Stress levels were always high but I was used to it, as I had grown up as an expat child – moving from one city and country to another every 4 years due to my father’s career. I struggled with weight fluctuations and often felt depleted, overwhelmed and depressed but never questioned it. I thought it was just “normal life” and I was happy taking any medicine I was prescribed to keep on going.
When I came off the pill, I had to deal with hormonal issues such as acne, mood swings and more weight fluctuations. I felt helpless and like I was pre-destined to be sick my whole life. Little did I know at the time how much could be done to change my health, my mindset and ultimately my wellbeing and lookout on life. I finally started to make real changes and I became increasingly interested in nutrition, lifestyle choices and prevention of chronic diseases.
Finding my “why” and understanding what effects food and lifestyle choices can have were a game changer. Especially stepping away from the “I want to be skinny” mindset to the “I want to be healthy” mindset made all the difference for me. This journey then culminated in the decision to pursue further education at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) in New York and I became a certified integrative nutrition health coach. This enables me to pass on my experience and knowledge to help others with their individual health and wellbeing concerns.

Hi, I´m Julia!
As Co-Founder of THE YOULISTIQUE, it´s my goal to inspire you to start your own journey towards living your best life. I am always on the hunt for new trends, recipes, beauty secrets, and tools and I have a huge vision for THE YOULISTIQUE, so stay tuned and get ready for it!
I’ve always been very passionate about all things beauty, self-care and wellness, which made me start my career as a beauty editor at a women’s magazine in 2005. I was able to combine my passion with my job, as I researched and wrote about trends and tools, spoke to the leaders in the industry and tested treatments and products all around the world – always searching for the holy grail in terms of feeling good and of course looking good.
I really loved what I did, but the result of travelling constantly, working crazy hours and a highly stressful environment led to a burnout right before I turned 30. I decided it was time for a change, so I quit my job and began working on a freelance basis jumping into various creative marketing roles for beauty and lifestyle corporates. Even though I was now extremely happy and fulfilled with my job, I still felt like I was on the edge most of the time. I was constantly exhausted physically and mentally, usually battled some form of infection every few weeks and my energy levels were always low.
This time I really looked at my bigger picture and changed some habits and circumstances for good: I moved from Munich to Berlin, changed my nutrition and workout routine sustainably, dropped more than 10kg without a single day of deprivation, gained strong muscles (yeah!), and finally felt healthy and energized. I want to share everything that has helped me and I am passionate about building a community around this spirit.