Long working hours, high stress levels, increased screen-time, and being available 24/7 has led to a significant increase in lifestyle related illnesses. In addition, individual exhaustion and imbalances often find their peak in the work environment and have an effect on employee performance. Coming out of a global pandemic with all its new requirements such as remote working, home office, and little personal interaction, employee health and wellbeing has become more important than ever.
Companies increasingly understand that employee health and wellbeing is a significant success factor. Giving back to your staff leads not only to better performance, but also to stronger teams, an overall positive company spirit, and a higher appeal to new talent.

Take action with us!
We at THE YOULISTIQUE strongly believe that now is the time to take action when it comes to sustainable employee health.
To find out more about our corporate health & wellbeing programs or how we can develop a tailor-made program based on your company´s needs and values, get in touch.
Examples include:
• Holistic health sessions
• Mindfulness at work
• Energy & Stress Management workshops
• Team health challenges
• Key note speeches